Friday, October 3, 2008

Borneo Tropical Rainforest Resort

I was at Borneo Tropical Rainforest Resort on the first day of Raya. The resort is located outskirt of Miri town, approximately 175km from Bintulu. To start off with, my bums were all sore from the 2 1/2 hour ride over poorly maintained road surface which had sooo many potholes and uneven tar patches, not to mention the many heavy vehicles transporting timber, cargo,and God knows what, that were hogging the one lane road.
It was a dreadful experience.

Sarawak is still lacking far behind in terms of road infrastructure. And i wonder where all the money for road upgrading went too..

Nevertheless, i made it to my destination in one piece, sore bums aside, we were greeted by cheerful bird chirping and the many different music produced by insects from the forest perfectly orchestrated into lively symphony to ones ear.

Borneo Tropical Rain forest Resort

We were quickly ushered into a caravan towed by a tractor. Since that week was school holiday, there were many families taking precious timeouts with their kids.

Our transport

This is a map of the whole resort which we have to cover as stated in our tour package.

To our left and right were just trees, various vegetation common to most Sarawakians.

This is the view of Sarawak oil palm plantation which spans up to several thousand acres. It's quite a breathtaking view from the highland.

Sarawak palm plantation

Halfway, we were all instructed to get on our feet and walk all because the slope was just to steep. Only if Brembo brakes were installed on that caravan and tractor....

Walk to boat ride

Next activity, boat ride on the lake. It was an awfully slow boat ride with a lot of stops along the way to feed the fish with pellets. There are plenty of Patins and Sultans in the lake. According to the boatman, the water is well aerated and filtered to ensure that the fish reared there are of top quality.

It cost RM10 to fish on that lake. Every 1 kg of fish caught will be charged RM 11.

Goats and sheep's grazing by the riverbank.

Chickens are left to roam in wide open space unlike those that are cramped in chicken coup and fed with chicken feed heavily tainted with hormones to quicken their growth.

Come lunch time, all my new found friends, some two legged, some four, some whom were born with fins, others born green, served warm right before me. I'm sorry u guys are at the bottom of the food chain.

After a fulfilling lunch, a quick dip in the freezing cold water is totally refreshing.
The clear greenish blue water surrounded by thick dense undergrowth coupled with a steady flow of water at the background is a sight to behold.

Quick snap of photos before all the parents with kids plunge into the water.

Boat paddling concludes the tour.

Knock u knock u~

For the young and adventurous who seeks thrills, excitements, this package is not for you.
For those lovebirds who are seeking interesting activities yet being able to have time on their own, this package is not for you.
For Ah mA, Ah peK, scared u pengsan, so this package is not for you either.

This package is most suitable for young parents with young ones tagging along, papa carry heavy backpack containing milk bottle,diapers,kids clothes,one hand carry boy boy, while mama one hand carry jie jie, one hand wipe sweat, mouth none stop cursing the weather.. lol


Unknown said...

we got 1kg patin and 1kg sultan fish in Bario for FREEEE! don't jeolous.^^

poo said...

wtf..apa lagi, belanja makanla..haha